Please read the following message 从 萨莎罗梅罗 (上图), MSM trombone faculty member 和 Principal Trombone in the Metropolitan 歌剧 Orchestra
骄傲. That thing which is beyond self-worth, but an assurance of one’s dignity 和 value as a human. 当我们谈到 骄傲月, we often skip 在 why we call it 骄傲月 in the first place, rather than LGBTQ+ Awareness Month or Liberty Month or something similar.
从 1969年的石墙起义 to memorials of those lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS to worldwide celebrations of the community 和 allies proudly waving the 骄傲 flag, 骄傲月表彰的是 LGBTQIA2 + 个人.
二甲基砜吉祥物 曼尼 庆祝骄傲月
Although many cultures across the world 和 throughout time have been accepting of gender 和 sexual minorities, I cannot help but reflect upon the feeling of Shame that is still a reality for many in our community.
I grew up in a small town in Texas during the 2000s when “gay” was one of the worst insults one could receive, 我经常收到它. My femininity as a closeted trans woman was reviled 和 sometimes literally beaten out of me.
The shame of being different in a historically sex-negative, 清教徒式的, 和 patriarchal culture seeps into your bones. It doesn’t just make it difficult to see our true selves; it often makes it impossible to even conceive of what we are missing.
这需要勇气和努力, 有时是痛苦的, 工作是为自己感到骄傲, take ownership of one’s happiness separate 从 the world’s judgment, 微笑面对压迫, 和 boldly proclaim that I am worthy. 值得占用空间的, 平等的存在, worthy of being who we truly are without qualification, 的理由, 或借口. We deserve not to have to fight to live in this world as easily as those at the top of the social hierarchy, 我们还没到那一步.
骄傲月 is a dem和 for respect 和 to unify the power of our community, even when it means a radical departure 从 the rules 和 norms that those in power enforce. 对我来说, 骄傲 means “We will 继续 to declare our intent to take hold of 和 protect our dignity as equal humans, even if you do not allow us to do so.”
It is not always a fluffy, feel-good slogan. It is also an act of defiance in the face of those who want nothing more than for us not to exist. A defiance of the Shame that we have been forced to internalize within ourselves.
爱自己是一场战斗, not who we are “supposed” to be: unassuming, 没有疑问的, 和看不见的. Our community has historically stood up to those who benefit 从 LGBTQIA2 + oppression 和 we will 继续 to do so for social progress.
这一事实引出了一个问题: 我能帮什么忙吗? This question has always been a challenge for me, but the best advice I can offer is to do what you can. Though it may sound cliché, every little bit truly matters.
We must act 和 be advocates — I truly believe that acts of kindness, 无论大小, 会有所不同. Change starts locally, within your own household, friend group, or yourself. 我们可以支持我们的 ”+朋友 和 family, write to Congress, protest, vote, 和 make the world kinder for the marginalized.
Educate those around you when they act in bigoted ways 和 stay informed. 对我来说, I make sure I am informed on issues like the 在 500项反跨性别法案, climate change, education, abortion, 和 gay marriage. 作为音乐家, we build communities by creating 美丽的 music, inspired by others 和 created for others.
We do not exist in a vacuum — we play, 记录, 和 write music for other people 和 music is an action we take in community with others. No LGBTQIA2S + person disc在s their identity in isolation, 和 it is important to remember that fact when we think about how we can best celebrate 骄傲月 作为音乐家. When we think about how to change the world for the better, we must always focus on the human 和 the community.
今天,让我们行动起来,倾听吧 LGBTQIA2 + 音乐中的声音. Below are a few recommendations 和 we encourage you to look deeper into the music 和 life of these artists.
- 蓝色的大教堂 by 詹妮弗·西格顿,由 皇家音乐厅管弦乐团
- 穿越 by 玛丽·埃萨贝尔·巴尔韦德,由 西雅图男子合唱团
- 双人舞 从 《newbb电子》 by Pyotr柴可夫斯基,由 康拉德道
- 漂亮的女孩 by 延斯•易卜生, performed at the Kennedy Center
- 坐A线火车 by 比利Strayhorn,由 提普顿院长比利
- 我爱的男人 由 马修V
- 要知道 从 作为一个 by 劳拉Kaminsky, produced by American 歌剧 Projects in association with BAM (布鲁克林音乐学院)
- Tonight Belongs to You / It’s Time To Dance 从 舞会
The most radical thing one can do in the face of oppression 和 chaos is to be joyful. Do not let those who hate us take your joy away. Dance, laugh, make music, 和 enjoy the company of our fellow humans.
引用 伦纳德伯恩斯坦: “This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, 更漂亮的, 比以往任何时候都更加忠诚.” And in the face of 在whelming chaos 和 darkness, I will quote Dylan Thomas: “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.”
在一起, we will bring the light back to our world, 一个辉煌, 美丽的, 优秀的, 充满希望的, 一次一个快乐的音符. 让我们坚强起来. 追求美. St和 together against oppression 和 marginalization. And let us strive for peace 和 happiness.
Principal Trombone, Metropolitan 歌剧 Orchestra